1st paragraph:
Attention Grabber: Super size me
Background information: in Unite States exist a great amount of people that suffer
different kind of illness that have relation whit obesity and poor feeding
Thesis Statement: Eat in Mc Donald restaurant
by 30 days produce a huge amounts of health problems
There are three main effects of eat fast food in Mc Donald: 1.
obesity, 2.heart problems and 3.mood changes.
2nd paragraph: (One effect of/ reason why)
different studies about fast food demonstrated that the excessive consumption
make people suffer of obesity and this make that the people specially the
children don´t feel good whit themselves
3rd paragraph: (Another effect of/ reason why) cholesterol and calories in fast
food like McDonald’s hamburgers, resulting in the obstruction of the veins and
heart problems generated
4th paragraph: A third effect of/ reason why) the chemical used in fast food products generated changes in
personality and moods.
5th paragraph: Conclusion (suggest a
solution): In Conclusion we can see how the consumption of this kind of food left
serious problems that not only affected the physical health also affected the
emotional health
Obesity is a major health problem in the
United States; over 60% of adult Americans are obese. Obesity can lead to an
array of other diseases, an increased risk of illness and premature
death. Fast foods are one of the root causes of this problem, but most
people don't know the harmful effects of food on them, the idea of the
documentary is to prove that eating 30 days in Mc Donald can be terrible to
health and the target is to show the principal causes of this experiment, at
first the obesity, then heart problems and finally mood changes.
The fast food restaurants knows that the American people doesn´t
feel satisfied when it comes to food, so they invented a strategy that it are
showing so bad results in the health and the weight of the people, the big
sizes combos, like in Mc Donald are making that the people always wants to eat
more and more, and it is making big troubles in the health of the people, and
its very important understand that this healthy troubles are visible from early
ages, it is making a wrong culture to the kids, that the pleasure is in the
abundance, so if they eat more, they are going to feel more satisfied, but does
not matter how much they ate they also are going to want to eat more, even if
they feel full. It is causing obesity problems in the weight of the kids and
all the people. Big sizes that always are going to be big and obese bodies, and
now a lot of this kind of people are presenting self-esteem problems, and this
kids are growing with wrong feelings about them self.
Some studies demonstrate that fast
food make people suffer obesity, It is worrying because in the south U.S.A. many
people have this problem. Children do not feel good with themselves too, it
makes them get addicted to fast food; obesity is really common on the south of
U.S.A. because a lot of fast food restaurant are there, people do not care
about themselves and their health they just eat food that they really like as a
taste no as health.
Food with high content of fat
and sugar in the brain causes the same effects of drug
addiction due to this stimulate opiodies or
"pleasure chemical" in the brain, the fast food intake makes the
body itself does not have time to implement mechanisms of
satiety, so you end up eating "a lot more than
they otherwise would have done.
The fats
are less satiating than protein, so to feel the
sensation of satiety higher intake is needed. Mainly the
sugar contained in foods such as sodas make a
person feel in the mood quickly
changes when consume feel a great joy and let
them have feelings of anxiety and depression.
In conclusion, we can observe how excessive consumption of
this kind of food generates serious problems, that not only affect physical
health but that also affects the emotional one. This previous statement,
because this food contains too many calories, fat and salt, then it is clear
that it is a big problem when people make a habit of replacing normal basic
food with fast food. This is how a nutritional instability takes place in the
organism. So it is advisable to not exaggerate with the consumption of this
food and if you like it a lot it would be better for you to eat it once in a
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